
The Digit-al Dozen Does Skittles - Day 2 - Meet the Franks

Time for some more Skittles - I hope you brought your nail art appetite!

Today we're doing a little Halloween skittle!

So hey - did you notice we have some new Digit-al Dozen ladies? Well we do!
I hope you DID notice.
Nory from Fierce Makeup and Nails, Emily from The Lacquerologist, Shelly from Sassy Shelly and Jolène from Follow Gashin!

Weeee!!! Frankensteins!!! My favorite thing on earth.

The pinky is a mixture of Sinful Colors My Turn and Ardoise (2 dark greys) and Color Club Sunrise Canyon - just sort of blobbed on with a sponge and then I painted on some stitches with black polish.
The index finger is a gradient using the 2 greys again, Ardoise and My Turn. Then I topped with Ellagee La Calavera Catrina.

The franks are actually water decals from Cha Cha Covers. I painted a base of Color Club Sunrise Canyon and then placed the frankenfolks on top! Finished the mani with matte top coat and here we are!
So much fun - Cha Cha has some really awesome designs, make sure to check them out!


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