
Digital Dozen Book Week - The Outsiders

I'm posting this later than I wanted to...the night got away from me this time!
I actually was viewing the Cult Nails Hangout and it ran later than I thought it would and I got sidetracked with a million things and then I was like oh no, this can't be!
So guess what?
It's Day 2 of Book Week!
And this is my 2nd fave of the week, not that I am posting these in a favorite-ist type of order...its just working out that way so far I swear.

Todays Mani is based on a book I've never read but LOVED the movie.
I mean...this movie probably shaped me more than I thought it did, since I was pretty young when I saw it.
It's The Outsiders, by SE Hinton.

The book was written in 1967 and was released in it's movie form in 1983. I was 10 when this came out. I probably saw it when I was about 15 and I was mesmerized. Cute boys, fights, white trash...it was my first look into what it was like to be poor or unaccepted because you weren't in the right "class". It's the single thing that made me love a nice pompadour!

So, I'm doing my mani based off of a re-worked book cover because I loved the art on it. I started with a base of white and let that dry.

Then I took Grecian Sun by Sinful Colors and drew some horizontal stripes and then an unnamed reddish color from Searne to make the vertical stripes of the notebook.

Black finished the look off with dots and tears on the notebook paper and then also for the skull, which I made with a striping brush and dotting tools.

So there you have it!
Have you read or seen The Outsiders? Who was your favorite character?
Mine was Johnny. But I had a huge crush on Rob Lowe so Sodapop was my favorite cute boy character. Oh to be a young girl and crush on every boy!

Make sure and visit my other Digit-al Dozen ladies!

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