
Monkey See Monkey Do - Tiger Tiger Woods Ya'll!

Hey Peeps!
Happy Monday!
Today I've brought back Monkey See Monkey Do time, it's been off the blog a week or two while other things were going on or I was procrastinating it. But I found some time over the weekend to get a few mani's ahead and THIS is one I'm super proud of. Except for the couple of smudges I got from top coating, this is pretty good stuff...

This was fairly easy to achieve. I painted white areas on my nail, then went back and painted any unpainted parts with orange, then i sponged on both colors in my normal gradient method to blend the two colors together. Then I had to go in a bit haphazardly and just sponge around with two colors until it was blended more! Then I top coated and used my black striping polish to add the tiger stripes!

Used Julep Kate, Sinful Colors Citrine and Black Striping Polish (no idea where I got it, sorry)

^And this was my inspiration^
Unfortunately this person didn't watermark their photo and my pin on Pinterest of this doesn't have an origin link! But I know I just pinned it in the last week or two - if anyone knows who it belongs to, please let me know!

Here are the other fabulous ladies doing the Monkey See Monkey Do Mondays:

Debbie at The Crumpet - http://thecrumpet.blogspot.co.uk
Nayade at Toxic Vanity - http://www.toxicvanity.com
Alyssa at Fancy Phalanges - http://fancyphalanges.blogspot.com/
Misha @ Enigmatic Rambles: www.enigmatic-rambles.blogspot.com
Carrie @ LeSamowen:Life, Love, and Nail Polish: http://lesamowen.blogspot.com/
Basia (or Bazzia) @ polish my mind: http://polishmymind.blogspot.com/
Isabel - Little Fairy: http://isaspinods.blogspot.com/
Stella - My Wet Nails: http://mywetnails.blogspot.com
Michelle-Lacquer Or Leave Her!: http://lacquerorleaveher.blogspot.com
Angi @ Angelina´s Nails & More www.angelinaswelt.blogspot.de/

Don't forget to enter the Gnarly Gnails 400 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 7.31.2012 and is open Internationally!

And also the Gnarly Gnails 500 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 9.01.2012 and is open Internationally!

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  1. Absolutely love it! :D Haha, this manicure makes me think of Tony the Tiger. And now I want a damn bowl of Frosted Flakes.

  2. How do I "sign up" for Monkey See Monkey Do Mondays? :D

    1. it's run through our facebook group - the purple crumpet fairy. if you use facebook just go there and apply to the group and you can play with us! though if you don't have facebook im sure you can still participate, just link our blogs like I have done here. here is the link to the group:

  3. This is a great manicure, I totally love it !

  4. i think this is THE best tiger i have ever seen !! LOVE IT x

  5. This is super. Better executed than the original idea.

  6. WOW! Perfection! They looked airbrushed! Love it!


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