
Saturday Summary

Hey guys!
Happy Weekend!
I've got a busy weekend for a change and have had a really busy week!
Because of that, I have yet again, not had a chance to catch up on all of my nail news!
So today I'll show you a few things I received this week and I'll do the Instagram post I couldn't get done LAST weekend!

F4 Polish pre-order arrived!
Mermaid Tail, Hawaiian Punch and Piper (which I showed you yesterday)

Nostalgic Pre-Order came in! Woo!!! Way Harsh and As If (which I showed you on Tuesday)

And now here are some photos from June of my little life outside polish:

Some wackadoo spiderweb on my deck

My boyfriends son at our Fathers Day get together.

Orange Cremesicle Cupcakes I might possibly be enjoying as you are reading this!

I took the plunge and tattooed my lower knuckles this week. Done by my boyfriend.

The other hand.

My batman high tops!

Some hibiscus out in our yard

Me and my greasy hair heading out to get tattooed.

Gettin' it done! That's my boyfriend.

Some of our kitties, Demi and Hilary.

Koi pond.

Movie night!

My beez.

Don't forget to enter the Gnarly Gnails 400 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 7.31.2012 and is open Internationally!

And also the Gnarly Gnails 500 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 9.01.2012 and is open Internationally!

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  1. Wow your instagram photos are insane! Your life looks rich and fun with all the kitties, toothless babies (awe), flowers, and joy. I liked this post a lot. Polish aside you are one cool chica lady!

    1. woo - you must have seen something i didnt! its such a bore here! thank you though, i am a lucky one most days!

  2. Those Batman high-tops are AMAZEBALLS!

    Love the lower knuckles! Very clean lines, high five for the boy!

    I have Hawaiian Punch on my toes right now. Had it on for almost a week. LOVE the wear on the F4s. So, so good!

    Love the toothless grin! Kitties! All so gorg!!

    1. i have never even worn these silly sneakers. a friend gave them to me but they just sit under my bed...

      thanks for liking the taters, he did pretty good, didn't he? and he liked your comment (he's a bit of an attention whore)

      AND...i cant wait to wear Hawaiian Punch! i need more fingerz.


  3. Your kitties look so cute! I'm loving the new ink, especially the tooth the bomb and the bolt :]

  4. your kitties are adorable! and i love the new ink! the tooth is my favorite :)


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