
July It Girl Julep Maven Box

New month - new Maven Box!
Man...who wasn't excited about this one?
Everyone was clamoring for this gorgeous patriotic glitter addition!
Sadly, I added on the O Canada shade but somehow my billing info was lost and so now I am waiting on it to arrive sometime next week and I don't have it for these photos. But I have America, and that's pretty damn good too.

Ack! Atomic Fireballs!?
Good thing these candies never go to waste with my boyfriend around...

From top to bottom: America, Daphne, Mila and Kate

Now my thoughts...
I made my boyfriend be my guinea pig yet again so I could get a notion of these polishes.
America - awesome. It has stars in it! And it glitters like no ones business. 2 coats of it made it almost fully opaque so I'd say 3 coats or wear over a gorgeous red.
Daphne - not bad. I know I have similar colors but I'm always drawn to this shade. Opacity...not sure, I did one regular coat and it looked like it would need one more for perfection.
Mila - meh. I have glitters just like this but with bigger particles that I like more. This will most likely go up for swap/sale at some point I think. 
Kate - loved it at 2 coats. Its a shimmery slight off white. HOWEVER...after I top coated, no more shimmer. WHY YOU NO SHIMMER NO MORE KATE?? Either way, with the onset of my Alpine Snow refusing to open, this was a welcome addition to my lack of whites collection. Opaque in two coats with minimal streaking.

I love the Julep Maven program. You can always get your intro box for ONLY A PENNY (including free shipping) - you can skip any month you want or send your box to a friend, add-on polishes are way cheap to add to your monthly box and you can change your style every month too. NO RULES!
If you do wish to sign up, use that link and take the style quiz. At the end, use code COLOR2012 to get your FREE INTRO BOX.

Also - I am going to be having a Julep Giveaway VERY soon!!

Don't forget to enter the Gnarly Gnails 400 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 7.31.2012 and is open Internationally!

And also the Gnarly Gnails 500 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 9.01.2012 and is open Internationally!

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  1. So excited to get this box! The America polish isn't very consistent are they? I read that some people didn't get any stars in theirs!

    Drop by and Enter my Julep Intro Box Giveaway

    1. I only swatched one nail with two coats, got one star on the second coat, so i can't verify this, but I know that until that star came out I forgot they were supposed to be in there! I see none looking straight at the bottle. But I think its pretty still...Im one of those few who doesn't like shaped glitters like stars and moons (love hearts, though!)

  2. I looked at the site & when I did the quiz, I got It Girl. The polishes that show up aren't the same as what's in your box, though. Is there a way to change it or are you just stuck with the introductory box? Thanks! :)

    1. from what i have heard from others, you can only get their standard intro box and then you will get the new boxes each month. like i think if you'd signed up the week before the new box comes out (Which I think is the 20th of each month) then you could have gotten that as well. If that makes sense?

    2. Thank you! I appreciate the help. Mila looks gorgeous so I may cave even though the intro box doesn't look that exciting. :)

    3. I cant recall what is in the Intro box for It Girl but if Hayden is in there you will love it. Its a super nice neon peach.

  3. Hey there,

    Great post! How did O'Canada work out for you?

    Julep Maven Team

    Check out the Julep blog: www.blog.julep.com


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