
piCture pOlish Blog Fest 2013

It's time for piCture pOlish Blog Fest!!!

I am so excited to be taking part in this fantastic nail community event as it is my first time!
Blog Fest has been going on for a few years now and features a TON of fab nail and beauty bloggers showing off fantastic piCture pOlish shades!
This year has a nail art theme - so let's check it out!

All three of these piCture pOlish shades were sent to me from the company for the purpose of using them in Blog Fest - we were also able to use black and/or white in our designs, which I took full advantage of!

I was sent Hot Lips, Sea Jewel and Peacock.
I'm sure it is purely coincidental, but I was pretty impressed with how the colors I was given totally matched my blog colors!

Sea Jewel is a gorgeous full coverage teal and silver glitterbomb that covers fully in 2 coats and dries very smooth.
Hot Lips is a neon pink that also covers full in 2-3 coats with no white undies necessary!
Peacock is a purple and teal jelly glitter that reaches full coverage in about 3 coats.
All of these had consistently perfect application (trust me on this as I used them MANY times while trying to perfect my nail art entry!)

Each entry this year must include a tutorial on how the nail art was achieved. For this tutorial I am going to break up the manicure pictures with insertions of each individual nails' tutorial - starting from pinky finger to index finger.

Pinky Finger Tutorial:

Ring Finger Tutorial:

Middle Finger Tutorial:

Index Finger Tutorial:

Now on to the nitty gritty of Blog Fest for this year.
This is a CONTEST - with 3 winners being chosen.
All nail art creations will go into the running to be chosen to create a collaboration shade with piCture pOlish, with a launch in 2014.
Of the 3 awards that will be voted and chosen as follows via the piCture pOlish Pinterest Blog Fest 2013 Board:
1 - As voted on by piCture pOlish friends and fans
1 - As voted on by all participants of Blog Fest 2013
1 - As voted on by Jules & Megs of piCture pOlish

Obviously, these are coveted awards and I would LOVE to win a chance to do a collaboration shade - once the voting goes live I will update this post with a link to vote for me if you want to!

Please make sure and visit/follow piCture pOlish on the following social networks:
piCture pOlish Facebook Page
piCture pOlish Pinterest
piCture pOlish Instagram
piCture pOlish Twitter
piCture pOlish YouTube

And also make sure and check out the piCture pOlish Network and their awesome Everyday Deals!

**items in this post were sent to me for free by the company or their PR firm in exchange for my personal use in their blog fest/nail art contest**
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