
Strawberry Shortcakes

Hello Strangers!
Well where have I been, you ask?
It's summer break visitation here with my boyfriends son, and to say he is high maintenance is a vast understatement. He makes it hard to really do anything at all, even post photos I've already shot and edited....but I'm trying!
For the next 6 weeks I will be a little more sporadic in my posting, and I will also have a bevy of guest posters for you! The reason being that I am having some nail issues and decided to take this time to do a treatment program!

Rest assured though - I will still be posting every few days and sprinkling in guest spots as well. So let's get to todays nails!

I have done here a combo of China Glaze Snap My Dragon and Spoiled Shrimp on the Barbie. Snap My Dragon is on the left, Shrimp on the right.

I love the shimmer in both of these, but the glass flecking in Shrimp on the Barbie is crazy in your face!

See what I mean? Gorgeous!!! Both apply really nice, needing only 2 coats each here.

Then I topped it with a fun strawberry shortcake type glitter polish I won in a giveaway from Glitter Me This. None of them had any names, when I asked her she said they were just kind of one-offs. So don't go falling in love!

Til next time!!

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