
Digital Dozen Does Tape - Day 1 - Double Tape Subway Mani

Hey Rock n Roll Hoochie Coochers!
I don't really know WHY I just called you guys that, but it happened. I think I have way too much energy, it's been pouring rain for DAYS and I'm in the throws of watching World War Z right now too, so my adrenaline is up there.

Anywaysies - it's time for the week of Digital Dozen!
We are doing TAPE this week! Oh you know I am down with the tape!

I had a pretty trying week last week, so I didn't get a chance to start my tape manicures until, well, earlier today/Sunday. I don't necessarily love them all as much as I wish I could...but I can't expect to pull amazingness out of a short time frame and super time consuming mani's like tapes are!

So today's mani I am dubbing the Subway Mani - because for some reason it really reminded me of some sort of subway map.

For this I've used Pure Ice Kiss Me Here, Bourjois Jaune Trendy and OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls.

This is actually a double tape mani, 2 layers of tape and 3 layers of polish.

Starting with a yellow/mustard base, I added striping tape in laser designs and painted over it with the grey polish.

Once dried, I added a thicker striping tape (I think it's 1/8 or 3/16 inch) over/near the yellow laser lines and I painted in with the off white. This is where things got a little hairy, since the larger tape is big enough to take a good amount of space up on the nail. So after I pulled it up I had some imperfections I had to go back in and fix with a striped brush and the grey and yellow and off white polishes to touch up a bit.

Once done, a coat of Butter London Matte Top Coat did the trick! Without quick dry top coat to speed the process, this manicure only took me about 2 hours - I just kinda did it while I was watching tv!

You know the drill...make sure and check out these ladies:

Image Map

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