
Digital Dozen does Book Week! Day 1 - Wicked

It's a new month, which means it's a new theme for the Digital Dozen!
This month our theme is Books!
I used to love to read...but it's been a few years since I have given that hobby up. I thought I would end up doing a bunch of cool looking books I knew nothing about just to have artwork, but as it turned out I ended up doing alot of old favorites!

Todays Book Manicure is based on Wicked.
The man who wrote this book, Gregory Maguire, in in my top 5 favorite authors.
He is definitely an odd man out when you look at that list, too.
But I love his way of taking these beloved storybook characters and giving new life to them. And Wicked was the first book of his that I read...the book that hooked me and made me subsequently buy about 4 more of his books.

I absolutely love this manicure. Aside from a little smearage I had on Elphaba I think it turned out really well.

For the witchy green I used Wild Thing from Pure Ice, the rest of Elphaba was done with acrylic paints and those awesome striper brushes I reviewed yesterday from Born Pretty Store.

I also used my brand spanking new bottle of Cult Nails Wax That wax topcoat for this mani. SO IN LOVE WITH IT!

Have you read Wicked? Or seen the play?
Wicked was SUCH an awesome book it even spawned more books about the Land of Oz, like Son of a Witch, A Lion Among Men and Out of Oz. If you are into adult storybook type stuff, give some of his stuff a read. Wicked and Mirror Mirror are my faves of his!

And here are the other Digital Dozen ladies:

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