
Digital Dozen Book Week - Day 3 - House of Leaves

You guys!!!
Hope you're all doing well this fine Wednesday.
We are now at the mid-week mark of Book Week with the Digital Dozen.
Today I've chosen ANOTHER of my all time favorite books.
This isn't a book I ever heard much about when it came out and still haven't really to this day, not sure if it's super obscure or what, but it is crazy in an awesome and very bizarre way.

I had to change my commenting system. Disqus was not cuttin' it you guys.
I was having a lot of issues with spam and losing comments, but when I'm getting emails from readers telling me they wish they could comment, thats where I had to draw the line.
I have switched over to Intense Debate, I hope it ends up being the platform we can all agree on. If you can't comment or have problems, please continue to let me know guys. I appreciate you enjoying my blog and I want it to be easy for you to say anything to me, so I will always be trying to make this blog the best it can be for all of us!

Todays book is House of Leaves, by Mark Danielewski.
I happened upon this book about 12 or 13 years ago, on a flight to Michigan to see my then boyfriend.
The girl I was sitting next to saw me reading and we got to talking about books and she told me about this one. I will always remember how cool of a chick she was...the 7 or 10 times I've ever been on an airplane, she was the only person I ever struck up a conversation with, and we talked the entire flight.
Anyway - before I even made it back home I had purchased this book. If it's wasn't for its enormous size and very weird way of writing I'd have finished it pretty quickly because I was ENGROSSED in this thing. But the style of writing really makes you struggle with it, I found myself going back over pages, even chapters, trying to figure things out. It's covered in obscure footnotes, stories within stories..it's CRAZY! Don't even get me started on the pages that start running in circles of text, some pages only have a word or two on them. It's a genuine story of madness. Just talking about this book makes me want to go buy a new copy of it and read it again after all this time. It left a huge impression on me. If you are wondering why I haven't really explained what the book is about..its because I can't. It is so hard to put it into words. It is at least 2 stories somewhat intermingled, used in the other stories footnotes and it just hops all over the place. Of the multiples storylines, my favorite was the one about the people living in this house where the rooms shifted and became caverns and the journey they took inside these caverns. It was insane. Go read it if you are into the weird shit.

So for this I started with Zoya Dovima, a matte charcoal grey/black. When dry, I went in with a black nail art pen and drew in the circles and swirls and lines.

On the accent finger, I used a stamp design of a compass that I stamped with China Glaze Passion. Then I used a striping brush to draw the appendages of the circle.

it was the closest design I had to the books compass looking design, I knew it was way too fine to freehand entirely, but I think I did a pretty good job of it!

Have you read this book?
I found out while googling some pictures of the book art that there is a follow up book to House of Leaves but I don't think it could nearly be as good. But I may have to find out now!

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