
Back in Time Part 2 - June Edition

It's time for BACK IN TIME!

This is a 2 part feature on the blog where every month I do a Back in Time mani of my own and then halfway through the month I do one of Debbie's.

We did add a third person to the mix for Back in Time though, so next month we will rotate between the three of us choosing who does what. it's all behind the scenes stuff...

Just enjoy the pics!

Ugh you guys...I am not one of those bloggers who tells you all the drama in my life (or lack of) but I have had a week from hell it feels like.
Add to that a ton of nail art and I am spent....
After today I will be taking a couple of days off from the blog. We have a full weekend here and then going out of town for the day on Monday to Nashville for my boyfriend to get some tattoo work done. So I will be back home Tuesday and probably have something on the blog then or the day after. Will miss you guys though...just need a breather.

So for todays Back in Time...lets check out the mani that Debbie did last year that inspired me this month, her Wonder Woman Mani:

Pretty awesome, right? Here is the LINK to her original post.

I used sooooooooo sooooooo sooooooo many polishes for this manicure. So many! I really did enjoy doing this mani, except for the thumb. I did this damn thumb FIVE times you guys. I almost gave up on it.

I super love the rest of the nails here though, especially the tiara on my index finger.

The pinky is her bracelet, the ring is her unders, middle is her corset top (its got an eagle on it, but since there's no way in hell i'm doing an eagle, i used a fan brush and feather stroked on it), the tiara on the index and then the Wonder Woman logo on the thumb.

I had so much fun doing this, but after that nightmare thumb I am GLAD it's over! Kudos to Debbie for getting hers so good the first time out!

Here is Debbie's again:

Make sure and stop by The Crumpet and see what she did of mine! (IF she did....she's been threatening to not do it!)

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