

Hi you guys!

I am back! I had such a full weekend of being out in the sun, at the pool and handling my boyfriends son (who IS quite the handful), then we were off to Nashville for the day on Monday.
Needless to say, when Tuesday rolled around and I found myself alone at home, I didn't do a damn thing!
Nashville was awesome though, and we totally want to move there now! While we were there, I also found an American Apparel so I bought a few more polishes of theirs to add to my sad collection of 3.

I have NO nails done to post, but luckily I did a guest post for Heather at Peace, Love and Polish awhile back and since she has posted it this past weekend, I can show it to you!

Read on for a little sneak peek and a link to the full post!

I did these cool little copper paisleys for her, outlined in black, with a full on how-to you can check out:

Click the ^banner^ to go to my post - enjoy!!

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