

Today I've got a fun treat for you!

Something sweet!


Maybe...I don't really know.

I've got a review on some cool Indie Water Decals!

The water decals are by:

And they come in A TON of designs. So many it's really hard to choose. I purchased her Frankenstein ones a while back and in my order she threw in a few extra designs for me to show you guys.
The one I am showing you today doesn't appear to be currently for sale, but I'm sure you could drop her a message on Etsy if you like them and find out the deets, or peruse her store and I'm sure you will find a bunch of others you like as well! Trust me...it's hard to limit yourself in there!

Cha Cha Covers - Water Decals

Barielle - Swizzle Stix

Here are the decals on the sheet. Her instructions on the back of the card say to coat them (with top coat I'm assuming?), but mine all appeared to already be coated, so I bypassed that step and all went fine.

Here is my water decal, cut and soaking in water. My rule of thumb is about 30 seconds or until it sinks. Then just pull it out of the water and slide it off the paper.

I did shapes here by cutting the decals before hand into diagonals and strips, and on the middle finger I used a craft punch of a heart shape out of one of the decals BEFORE i soaked it.

These were a little different than store-bought/mass produced water decals I'm used to, in that they had a lot of give and slid alot. That's a benefit for application, but it was also a little bit of a pain to keep them still while I tried to remove any creases. I finally just gave up trying to uncrease areas and top coated while they were still a little wet and I managed to avoid bubbles anyway! Score!

And also, to note, though these might have some sort of top coat coating, they are not made of polish under that so they don't clean up quite the same. My clean up seemed much "glue-ier" so I do suggest getting as close a cut to what you want as possible. All in all though, pretty simple to use.

The base here is Barielle Swizzle Stix (omg so in love with this polish!!!) and the white dots and stripes were just freehand using a white striper polish. The pink acrylic bow was one I pulled out of my craft bin!

Now then...go check out Cha Cha Covers and have fun!!!

**some items in this post were sent to me for free by the company or their PR firm in exchange for my honest review**
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