
33DC - Tribal

Hidey ho!
Another day, another challenge!
Today in the 33DC we are doing Tribals.
Can you hear me groaning from there?
Yeah, I almost hate tribal designs. They're up there with those ikat designs in that I just don't dig 'em. They can be cool, and I actually kind of liked the ones I did today, but you can bet if I'm not doing them for a challenge, I'm just not doing them period.

For today's mani I used:
American Apparel - Office
Sinful Colors - Snow Me White
Sinful Colors - Black on Black
MoYou London Plate - Pro Collection 02

My base here is American Apparel Office, a gorgeous light mint green. Its a great formula and I think it's something everyone needs in their collection. Formula so smooth I got rid of most of my other mint polishes.

Then I found 4 cool tribal designs on MoYou Pro 02 plate and I did one on each nail in black.

After the stamping dried I went in with black and white and a fine brush and added details as well as added to some parts that didn't fully stamp (through my own fault, not the plates).

Here are the prompts if you are interested in joining, in which case, go HERE!



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