
Digit-al Dozen September Spectacular - Art

It's Art Day in our continuing Digit-al Dozen Does It Again challenge!
Normally art type prompts aren't my favorite...and my original idea was to do a tattoo themed art like I did for last years 31DC - but it bombed, and near the last minute I decided to re-do it. I'm SO glad I did, because what I have here for you today is one of my favorite all time forever manicures I have posted!

My inspiration today was Van Gogh's Starry Night.
It's a painting I've always enjoyed seeing, and his art really grew on me even more after seeing the Doctor Who episode about Van Gogh (it's gets me everytime!) - but another thing that pushed me to create this was the Starry Night polish from My Ten Friends. It is the perfect balance of all of the colors in the painting and it provided an epic backdrop for the paint.

My base was 1 part Sinful Colors Cold Leather and 1 part My Ten Friends Starry Night, which has the most perfect blue base. I don't know how she did it but she managed to make a perfectly opaque and bold bright blue base with shimmer that didn't cover up the beautiful glitters in this polish!

Afterwards I took to the acrylic paint - 2 shades of yellow, 3 shades of blue, black and white. A short paintbrush and small hatching marks...seems complicated but it wasn't really, it just took a bit of patience.

I think the black tall weird thing in the painting is a little wonky in my version, it looked more like a strange haunted house, but (as Debbie would say) I was surely chuffed with the overall mani!

So to get the real painting effect after everything was dry I used a matte top coat - Wax That by Cult Nails. And there you have it - make sure and check out my other special friends and their artworks today:



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