Here is the prompt list, and like I said, this runs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays:

So for todays manicure, Dots, I used American Apparel polishes in Cotton and Lopez Canyon and the Aqua by Bettina, which I won in a rad giveaway by Nory of Fierce Makeup and Nails.
I took this idea from Sarah of Chalkboard Nails, I loved the color palette she used and since I have always wanted to do this random sized dotticure, why not now!? I did change it up and not do all the colors on all the nails like she did, but rather more of a skittle style with an accent. And matte, always matte!
The base here is American Apparel Cotton, which I'd always thought was just straight up white, but it's not! It's actually an off white, kind of like OPI My Vampire is Buff, but less buff. Loved it!
Then I dotted Lopez Canyon on pinky, black polish on middle and Aqua on index finger. I used the backside of a paintbrush that had a thickish handle for the large dots, and then I used standard dotting tools for the other dots.
Then on the ring finger I did a combination of all the colors, just dotting a couple of dots of each color as I was using that shade and then at the end going back in and filling in where needed.
Then seal with a quick dry top coat, give it a couple minutes and go over with a matte top coat (also American Apparel) - so what do you think?
While dots are not my go to, I always love this style on others, so I'm very glad I did it now, I liked it alot, especially this color scheme, so thanks to Sarah for such a great source of inspiration!!