
Happy Birthday to Meeee!

Its Gnarly Gnails' One Year Birthday!
Even though it feels a bit lackluster having been gone from blogging for a few months, I definitely feel like I've put in a years worth of energy to this blog, thats for sure!
I had some plans for today but unfortunately, they coincided with my boyfriends son being here this weekend, and to say he is a handful, is well, to put it very mildly.  Not to mention my plans were uprooted by a very bad day yesterday.
So in the meantime, I did want to drop a real post in here, and I happen to have a lot of unpublished manicures I need to get out in the world.
SO here they come, I do still have a ton more that I haven't edited yet, so I'm going to work on those this week and get them up! I believe I still have some reviews I need to do so those are coming soon as well!

As I'm uploading these, I realize some have older watermarks than my newer ones, so I'm sorry for the lack of continuity here! That sort of stuff bugs me, you might not care. Hahaha. I have another post of some comparison manicures I did way back that I will show next and after that, everything should match!

And one last thing on these...sorry I dont know the coats used!

Catrice - Birdy Reloaded

Catrice - Birdy Reloaded

Catrice - Birdy Reloaded

Illamasqua - Viridian

Illamasqua - Viridian

Illamasqua - Viridian

Essence - Viva La Green

Manglaze - Lesbihonest

Manglaze - Lesbihonest

Manglaze - Lesbihonest with Top Coat

Manglaze - Lesbihonest with Top Coat

Zoya - Edyta

Zoya - Edyta

Zoya - Edyta

Zoya - Edyta

Zoya - Edyta

Until Next Time!

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  1. welcome back hope you are better now. Like the yellow is not a color I would wear but like the shade, and the man glaze looks better with topcoat, I like manglaze but i think the matte formula looks better with the dark shades

  2. Wow, that Catrice is an amazing yellow! So bright and eye-catching, and that shimmer is sooo pretty. And unf, that Manglaze Lesbihonest! So fabulous, both with and without topcoat. I actually ordered a bottle but couldn't get it shipped to me, so it's waiting at my grandmother's house. Man, I hope she didn't open it. I'm not sure the bottle art is quite her style... :P

    Hope the weekend took a big turn for the better, Missy, and Happy Birthday to Gnarly Gnails!! (^_^)

  3. happy blogaversary!!!! i hope you still had a good weekend :)

  4. Happy Blogiversary! And to many more!!! :)

  5. Happy blogiversary! Wow! That Catrice is gorgeous! And I don't really like yellows. And the Manglaze, is stunning with a top coat and without!


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