
Monkey See, Monkey Do Monday - Zombie Edition!!

Monday! It's Monday! Woo - it's MY day off so I am one of those rare people who likes Mondays!
Especially even more now that we are rockin' the Monkey See, Monkey Do Challenges!

So - today's MSMD is ZOMBIES!!
My favorite!
Sadly, this inspiration I take my post from today is untraceable.
It's a mani I found quite some time ago that came from Instagram but I can't find the source. I tried, I swear!
So if you know, please let me know so I can revise this post to give credit where credit is definitely due - this mani is awesome!

(please watermark your photos!)
Reader Elizabeth found my source!! (Thanks Elizabeth!!)

Ready to see mine???

For the base I used Orly Jealous, Much?
Then I sponged on Catrice's It's Rambo No. 5and China Glaze's Recycle to make some zombie skin looking effects. Brushed on a little bit of Sally Hansen's Rapid Red for the bloody spots and then I used a black striping polish for the stitches and then black and white polishes with a dotting tool for the eyes, along with a couple googly eyes I stuck onto wet polish on the thumb and middle.
I can't attest to the wear of the googly eyes since I basically removed this as soon as I took the pictures, but I wanna try it again for public viewing!

Check out all the lovely ladies who participate in this challenge every week with me:

Debbie at The Crumpet - http://thecrumpet.blogspot.co.uk
Nayade at Toxic Vanity - http://www.toxicvanity.com
Alyssa at Fancy Phalanges - http://fancyphalanges.blogspot.com/
Misha @ Enigmatic Rambles: www.enigmatic-rambles.blogspot.com
Carrie @ LeSamowen:Life, Love, and Nail Polish: http://lesamowen.blogspot.com/
Basia (or Bazzia) @ polish my mind: http://polishmymind.blogspot.com/

Don't forget to enter the Gnarly Gnails 300 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 6.15.2012 and is open Internationally!

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  1. Of it weren't for the blood, I'd say your nails remind me of Grr's dog suit!

  2. ahhh super adorable zombies... i was totally thinking Gir too!!

  3. This is amazing!!! BRRRAAAAAIIINNNZZZ!!!

  4. haha I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking of GIR :P

  5. I love the googly eyes!! So cool!

  6. OMG, these are so adorable! The stamping is spot on for the zombie skin. Very cute! :))

  7. LOL I love this, the googly eyes are a great touch.

  8. Cannot describe how much I love these :D They're so effin cute!

  9. I love this! I may have to copy you one Monday.... :)

  10. I love this as much as I love your personality Missy!!!! this is just too freaking adorable!

  11. ya'll are so sweet! laurie you totally made me "awww" out loud! is that an aol?

  12. OMG I love this!! So awesome!!

  13. These are totally amazeballs! Brilliant job on the zombie skin, and the googly eyes are totally perfect. Love, love, love 'em! ^_^

  14. lol i love this, it's so FUN !!! i'll be trying this come Hallowe'en xx


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