
Monkey See Monkey Do Monday: Featuring - Murder She Wrote

Dude...sometimes it is just EXTREMELY difficult to pick out an inspiration for these MSMD challenges! I had wanted to re-attempt a nailside mani, but for the 2nd time, re-doing this mani totally bombed. So I went back to the drawing board...and found this cute mani from a girl on Tumblr called Murder, She Wrote.

As usual, I have changed my colors up.

The base is Color Club Blue Ming (really, this color is stone cold stunning in person!)
Roses, dots and leaves were all done with acrylic paints and outlined with a black Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen.

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  1. OMG, this is awesome, great job!

  2. looks amazing! you did a great job, very pretty! and i love the color scheme you chose!

  3. Looks really cute, i prefer your interpretation because is more vintage looking ^_^

  4. I love this vintage look! The colors are great!


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