
The Purple Crumpet Fairy Spring Challenge - Day #5: Spring Clean/An Out of Season Color

And we're back with the Spring Challenge from The Purple Crumpet Fairy! Today we're doing Spring Cleaning!
Even though I would wear this color in the springtime, it's definitely not one you'll find popping up in the new spring collections!
Of course, I also needed the chance to use my new Lynnderella! It's my first, and probably last with all of the difficulty it takes to obtain them, still not quite sure how I managed to get this one!

2 Coats China Glaze Recycle and 2 Coats Lynnderella Connect the Dots.

Have a great day! XOXO.

Please visit these other fine PCF Blogs for more amazing challenge mani's!
Fancy Phalanges
The Crumpet
Purple Fairy Dust
PishPosh & Polish
Bee Polished
Obsessive Compulsive Nail Painting Disorder
Confessions of a Nail Polish Junkie
Happy Nails
Tales of Knit and Nails
The Girl with Rainbow Hands
No Junk Nail
Only Always Soccermom
The Nail Newbie
Polish Me Lovely
Munia's Nails
Geeky Owl
Fanning the Fumes
ColorSplash Nails
okay now joy!
MeMa's Mani's
Angelina's Nails & More
Persistently Glittery

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  1. Gorgeous! Love this a lot! I love greys! They are the perfect backdrop for a lot of different layering ideas. I think I need to add this grey to my already massive collection of greys! :) Also need the Lynnderella too! :)

  2. I have never been a fan of Connect the Dots, but this combo looks reeeally good and I actually like it a lot. :) Also, I can't believe how much people are willing to pay for Lynderellas... like, they're good polishes and everything, but WTF. I'd never pay more than what Llarowe charges for them. :x

  3. I really like this...I hope I get some Connect the Dots someday!

  4. i *would* pay more to get them off of ebay only because it's easier these days to do that, but i would not pay more than double and no way would i pay 162 dollars! that is bananas!!!

  5. lol, my precioussssss :) classic combo x

  6. I just did a paint up with The Glittering Crowd and curiously ebayed it and it's up starting at $49.99 or you can buy it now for $99.99. I just can't give it up!

  7. i know its ridiculous what some people are starting them at.

  8. Oh how I love that Connect the dots!!!

  9. me too. its the only one i HAD to have and its the only one i managed to get! so i guess it all worked itself out, and if i never get another Lynn, at least I have this one.


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