
The Purple Crumpet Fairy Spring Challenge - Day #10: Unicorn Magic Day

Oh unicorns...magic....rainbows. How I miss those days of yore!
Visit The Purple Crumpet Fairy and join in with us - this challenge goes til the beginning of April!
But seriously...I don't know what I was going for here, it started out as a gradient/ombre rainbow across my entire hand and ended up as a crazy glitter explosion mani.

Ok...here's your bottle shot. Looks like I used Sally Hansen Cinna Snap, Sinful Colors Timbleberry, Color Club Get Your Lem-On, OPI Jade is the New Black, China Glaze Frostbite and Zoya Savita. Explosions were Orly Luxe and overall glitter was Orly Shining Star.

And the black outlines were just a black art striper polish.

Please visit these other fine PCF Blogs for more amazing challenge mani's!
Fancy Phalanges
The Crumpet
Purple Fairy Dust
PishPosh & Polish
Bee Polished
Obsessive Compulsive Nail Painting Disorder
Confessions of a Nail Polish Junkie
Happy Nails
Tales of Knit and Nails
The Girl with Rainbow Hands
No Junk Nail
Only Always Soccermom
The Nail Newbie
Polish Me Lovely
Munia's Nails
Geeky Owl
Fanning the Fumes
ColorSplash Nails
okay now joy!
MeMa's Mani's
Angelina's Nails & More
Persistently Glittery

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  1. wow i love the colors and glitter! looks awesome

  2. WOWZERS!! I'm absolutely in love with this design~I'd hate to take this one off my nails... Gorgeous interpretation of magical unicorn day!

  3. haha - thanks! after all that sponging and taping i was so totally over it! it must have looked like 15 coats of polish when i was done!


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