
Gnarly Number Ones for March 2014

Hey guys!

Its been a little quiet around here the last couple of days, unfortunately I have been laid up in bed with one hell of a bronchial/sinus situation. So I figured now that I'm slightly on the mend I would do the monthly round up post for ya'll til I'm feeling up to doing more nail stuffs!
Also - if you have left me any comments or questions here in the past month, I promise to get to them! Its been a weird month where I have been distracted and going through the motions. Partly from being sick and partly I guess from seasons changing/being weird. So bear with me!

Favorite Tried Polish - I was really taken with a couple of polishes this month. Normally there is a standout, but this month was a little harder to decide, so I'm doing THREE loves!
OPI Gaining Mole-Mentum (shown here over OPI Chillin Like a Villain + Matte Top Coat)

Favorite Untried Polish - As always - a bunch! I haven't gotten much in March, but starting next week the Neverending Pile Untried Challenge will be starting up and I'll be using as many as I can squeeze in!

Favorite Indie Polish - The runaway win this month for me was Secret Passageway from Powder Perfect!

Favorite Untried Indie - I have some stuff coming in from Glam Polish from their Rydell High collection that I am super excited for! Neon Holos!!

Biggest Milestone - Nothing sticks out. This month feels like I was hiding my head in a hole.

Most Viewed Post for the Month - You guys loved the China Glaze Surprise Collection Review post! I love that! Followed closely by the OPI Glitter Off Review!

MY Favorite Mani - I really liked the mix-up mani I did for the new spring Incoco Appliques!

Favorite Product - I've been enjoying a really simple thing lately - I took an old polish bottle and cleaned it out and then I filled it back up with alcohol! Now I can brush on a layer of alcohol right before I polish to remove any oils - I've found my manicures are staying much better with this simple new addition to my routine!

Favorite New Technique Or Tip - Maybe its the same as above? Since I'm sick I'm gonna cheat on this one and say that!

Favorite Collection - As a whole it was unquestionably The Ultimate Outlaw collection by Literary Lacquers! There were just sooo many polishes in the collection that stole my heart with each layer I applied!

Favorite New Thing In general - New lightbox setup! After using a homemade one for awhile and it being a total pain because it was huge and I couldn't break it down if I needed to, I finally have one I can store when space is tight! PLUS I finally got a 3 lighting daylight system in place! So excited to have slightly nicer photography now!

Favorite TV - Most things are ending. Sad. I got obsessed with New Girl this past month thanks to Nory! Also Bates Motel is back! I've missed every single episode of Hannibal because they changed it to Friday nights! But I think the best thing is getting ready for the final season of Mad Men to FINALLY start up in 2 weeks!!

Favorite Video Game - I tolerate Candy Crush STILL. That's about it. My mind has been in a fog this month, I feel like I've been nowhere, but where have I been then!?

What are your favorites from last month!?

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