
Saturday Summary and some Ice Cream.

Happy Saturday!
It's time for.....

The blog world seemed a little quiet this week...
  • Chalkboard Nails made a fantastically amazing comparison of a ton of Indie black and white glitter polishes. She must have spent so much time working on this...incredible job and resource for us polish lovers! Thanks Sarah!
  • A great article on exactly what you get when signing up with Julep's Maven program by The Polish Jinx.
  • Want to see a preview of the Autumn/Winter Butter London Collection? Nailed has it!
  • My personal favorite mani of the week comes courtesy of Top Coat It and her awesome Brick Nails!
  • Dragon Lady Nails swatched the new Orly Glam FX Collection - ooooh, glitters! Go see that!

In other news related to THIS blog...no haul post this weekend.
I actually didn't haul. Ok, I DID, but I did it electronically and it won't be posted til the next one or two SS's.
So instead I'm bringing you my 52 Week Challenge 'Splatter' Mani/My final post from my F4 Haul.
This is Mint Chocolate Chip/Mint Chocolate Sundae.

The first 3 pictures are of F4 Mint Chocolate Chip on it's own.
2 buttery coats and it is divine.
Super opaque, super smooth and so beautiful I wanted to eat it.

Then I added some brown acrylic paint splatters for my 52 Week Challenge Mani and turned it into a sundae! 

Enjoy your weekend!

Don't forget to enter the Gnarly Gnails 300 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 6.15.2012 and is open Internationally!

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  1. Hey thanks for the shout out! I'm glad you liked the bricks!

  2. Chocolate syrup!! Great idea! :)

  3. The Mint Chocolate Chip looks so yummy, and I love what you did with it! Mmm, ice cream sundae... (that's a good Sunday morning breakfast, right? ;p)

  4. And now I want to eat your nails...om nom nom nom... don't mind me...


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