Hello lovelies!
It's the end of the week/start of the week and so it is time for another weekly roundup!
ALOT of polish hit the blog this week, between reviews and trying to swatch some of my untried polishes!
Hopefully on non-challenge weeks I will be able to do more of this, because I have unloved polish virtually coming out of my tear ducts.
So let's take a look at what happened around here in case you missed some or all of it!
It's the end of the week/start of the week and so it is time for another weekly roundup!
ALOT of polish hit the blog this week, between reviews and trying to swatch some of my untried polishes!
Hopefully on non-challenge weeks I will be able to do more of this, because I have unloved polish virtually coming out of my tear ducts.
So let's take a look at what happened around here in case you missed some or all of it!
The week started out with a review on 6 of the new China Glaze polishes from their Happy Holiglaze collection. My pic is the white texture, without a doubt! Because I'm weird, I like the things no one else does, I've ALWAYS been this way. Dark Chocolate, Black Licorice, the heel of the bread loaf - I'll take it!
On Monday, Ashley and I got Back in Time doing each other's old manis - I tried a new technique and KIND OF had success.
A new Indie - Leesha's Lacquer was featured on the blog this week - these three polishes I reviewed were amazing, and I expect big things in the future from this brand! Her polish Song of the Seas even made it to my Gnarly Needs on the sidebar!
I also dropped some Elevation Polish swatches here this week in an effort to get them used finally! I was slighty obsessed with the layering of Huangshan over Toubkal.
And then yesterday was the 50th Anniversary Special for Doctor Who, and many, incuding myself, did manis to commemorate it!
And before I go - tomorrow the AbFab 5 Day Challenge starts - so you still have time to come on board if you are interested (tomorrow may come and I might be the only one doing it!) - SIGN UP HERE.
Have a great week!!