The Digit-al Dozen DOES Black & White - Day 1 - Texture

Hey supersweets!
Today embarks on a new chapter in The Digit-al Dozen themery - this month/week our theme is Black and White.
November is my birth month, so I got to pick the theme this month and I'm totally stoked on it!
Sadly I'm also TOTALLY unprepared and running way behind on getting them done, but I still made this one in under the wire!

For todays Black and White theme I chose to go with a textured gradient, because they are easy and I was running so late I literally did this an hour ago, and because they seem to be wildly popular.

There are three polishes here I used - OPI Solitaire, NOPI A-Nise Treat and OPI Emotions.

The gradient was sponged on over 2 coats of Solitaire, then I painted on some Emotions to the tips, because sponging it only leaves behind the glitters and not the base. Then I went in with all three and sponged to deepen the colors up.

Make sure and see the other Digit-al Dozen ladies' manis for today:

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