
Total Beauty Shops Battle of the Bloggers: Summer Spotlight

Hello my lovely friends!
Summertime is upon us and what better way to kickstart it than with some nail art in gorgeous summer shades. Total Beauty Shops is doing a Battle of the Bloggers with some truly amazing nail artists (some of which are great friends of mine) using Butter London's Brilliant Bronze Trio of summer polishes. I was very excited to be invited to join in - lets check out what it's all about - because YOU can win something, too!

The bloggers in the battle were tasked with using all 3 colors in the Butter London Brilliant Bronze Trio - Poole, Torch and Marbs.

This is all tape mani - starting with an art deco design on the pinky. Then I did a homage to Butter London by using the summer shades to create a Union Jack design. Middle finger stripes, a hyperspace design on my pointer and then a chevron style on my thumb.

The shades in this trio work SO perfectly together as well as seperately. I've taken place in contests before where you are given a trio of polishes and asked to create a design, and sometimes the three polishes you get are nearly impossible to work with as a set. This is the opposite of this trio, they are a dream.

Now here is the deal. I WANT TO WIN THIS BATTLE!
To do so, I need YOUR help.
In exchange, you can win this trio, too.

Go to the Total Beauty Shops Facebook Page and LIKE it.

Go to the Summer Spotlight Gallery on the Total Beauty Shops Facebook page and like your favorite nail look (which I hope will be mine, but in all honesty, LIKE WHAT YOU WANT TO)

Then go to The Giveaway page to enter the Sweepstakes! Prizes include Butter London's Brilliant Bronze Trio Gift Set as used here, as well as The Summer Prep Collection by TotalBeauty.com and other beauty products valued at over $250 EACH.

Make sure and look up the social media hashtag #TBSummerSpotlightBattle for more!

If you want the trio without participating - you can find it RIGHT HERE at the Total Beauty Shop website!

Want even more?
Check out the Total Beauty Shop Battle of the Blogger Announcement Video HERE.

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