
OPI San Francisco Nail Art Triangles

Hey folks!

Hope you're having a great weekend! We went and saw Planes last night in 3D - it was pretty cute. We never really do much so it was nice to get out (and luckily not very crowded) but man it's expensive to do!

Anyway - here comes Day 2 of the OPI SF Nail Art at your face!

OPI - I Knead Sour-Dough
OPI - It's All San Andreas's Fault
OPI - In The Cable Car-Pool Lane
OPI - A-Piers to Be Tan

For this mani I started with a base of I Knead Sour-Dough.

Then I taped diagonal down each side of the nail and added It's All San Andreas's Fault over the tape. Below is a solo swatch of that one.

It's All San Andreas's Fault

There is top coat on the base color but none after the texture. Texture polishes are really versatile, whether you used different colors together or mix them up with different finishes.

Next up we have A-Piers to be Tan as our base color.

Same deal, I taped some smaller triangular areas at the cuticle and then I coated with In The Cable Car-Pool Lane over the top (swatched below)

In The Cable Car-Pool Lane

Then added some top coat and voila!

I love the burgundy and dark mustard together, that color looks great with lots of vampy shades - especially dark dark blues.

Does anyone else see Peanut Butter & Jelly?

To see my swatches of the full collection - CLICK HERE.

**items in this post were sent to me for free by the company or their PR firm in exchange for my honest review**
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