
Let's Meet Harri from TrailerHood Chic!

Hey friends!!
We're back today with a Guest Post from a dear sweetie I met during my time in the Metro Atlanta Beauty Bloggers group - Harri!! She runs the blog TrailerHood Chic - let's see what she's got for us!

Hey y'all, I'm Harri from TrailerHood Chic.  I'm so grateful that Missy is allowing me to do a guest post for her.  She's full of awesome and has some amazing talent.  

I've got some skittles done with acrylic paint for y'all today.  This mani didn't end up how I envisioned it, but it still works.  The colors I chose were inspired by the opening scenes of the Netflix series Hemlock Grove.  I've not yet read the book, but LOVE the series.  

The base for this mani is Wet N Wild Black Creme and Sinful Colors Snow Me White.  Then I used Anita's Acrylic Craft Paints in 12005 Autumn Orange and 11151 Island Green, these are sold at Hobby Lobby or Crafts Etc & oddly, I think they're made in Georgia too.  On my index finger, I sponged the paints on half & half using a craft sponge.  On the middle and ring fingers, I randomly brushed the paints on using a striping brush.  Lastly on my pinky I applied a little Island Green then smeared it around with a little water on my brush, let it dry, did the same with Autumn Orange, then added a little more Island Green.  Let it all dry, which since it's acrylic didn't take long, then applied top coat.  

Even though it wasn't what I originally planned, I quite like it. 


Thank you so much Harri! Such an awesome mani and I LOVE the color combination!!
Guys - make sure and follow Harri's blog - she has all kinds of cool reviews and things on not just nails! 

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