
Let's Meet Lindsey from Nails4Dummies!

Today I have a guest post for you, courtesy of Lindsey from Nails4Dummies!
Lindsey is awesome, I've known her for awhile and she is really talented and such a doll! I think you guys will love what she's got for us today:

"When Missy mentioned that she needed some guest posters for her blog, I jumped at the chance. I have been a huge fan since I first visited Gnarly Gnails. Not only was Missy so very unique but also very "real" and down-to-earth and I love that about her.
I had a tough time figuring out what to do for this post. First I started off with cute little whimsical rainbows but that definitely didn't feel right for this blog. I then proceeded to try (and fail at) several other nail art techniques. All of Missy's manis are so cool and stylish and that's not me as much as I want it to be! I finally settled on an "acid wash" mani inspired by one that Missy has done before. I was pretty proud of myself for jumping that far out of my comfort zone because I definitely tend to do styles that are well established and have detailed tutorials!

I started off with a base of Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - White On and then just added blocks of acrylic paint in purple, blue, gold and silver. I topped that off with a coat of Seche Vite once dry and then added on a coat of a England Camelot (the world's greatest nail polish!). Once that was dry, I used pure acetone and a fan brush and removed the black polish in a patchy, random fashion. When I had achieved the desired look, I slapped on another coat of Seche Vite and momma was all done! Now THIS is much more "Gnarly Gnails" don't you think?

Oh yeah, and BTdubs - how many of you know that Missy is an INSANELY talented graphic artist???? Haven't you wondered how her blog always looks so flippin' awesome? Cuz she does it herself. Not only that, but she designed mine for me - for which I am eternally grateful!
Thank you all for reading and a huge thanks to Missy for allowing me to commandeer her blog for a day!"


Awww....thanks Lindsey! You totally made me blush by all the sweetness! The mani is awesome and so are you! Now everyone else, make sure and give her blog a read - it's amazing, and seriously has THE greatest name ever! -Nails4Dummies

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