Black Cat Lacquer - Party Monster

I have some SUUUUUUPER overdue swatch reviews to show you from Black Cat Lacquer.
Back in October, I received a nice little package from BCL, half of which was their Halloween Collection which I've shown you previously. The other 5 polishes I received were polishes from the core line and today one of those polishes is Party Monster.
One of my favorite movies, and made based on the story of a very intriguing person, the polish version of Party Monster is spot on! Lets have a look:

Party Monster went on sweet with 3 coats, shown here with top coat. Smooth and opaque, the formula on these polishes from Black Cat Lacquer are quite wonderful!!
Party Monster can be purchased HERE!

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  1. So glad to see you back Missy! I missed your great swatches and awesome hand positions.(That I can't seem to figure out how you do) I've tried, I just can't make mine look so good. Lol ) <3

  2. This polish is so cute!! I love the combination of the glitters and the bright pink base, and the shimmer is just awesome!

  3. oooh i love it! the glitters are awesome

  4. I love how bright the glitters stay even after 3 coats!

  5. Party Monster is gorgeous!! You always take amazing pics. =)


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