Are you there world? It's me, Missy.

Hey guys. Im SOOOO sorry for bailing out on my blog. Ive had a lot of stuff going on and i let it get me overwhelmed mentally. Been sick a few times and had a birthday mixed with holidays and a mom I constantly miss and it just took a turn for the worse. Its no excuse for my disappearance, but sometimes you just have good intentions that get taken over by wanting to spend the day under the covers and next thing you know you spent the last 3 months under the covers. Thanks to everyone who wrote me, I was overwhelmed with messages and concerns so I just decided to address them all here instead. Thank you. I am doing better these days and intend to HOPEFULLY get back to blogging soon, though with less fervor as I did before, I think the multiple daily posts, reading 1000 blogs a day and the like got to be too much for me, so I will start back slow and see how it goes. 
Ive got a ton of emails to get through still and it will be weeks before I have the tenacity to do so, but I WILL be back and I'm very sorry to anyone I left hanging on a review or a package, if I have, please send me an email and I will work to get it resolved. Ive missed you guys a lot. You'd be surprised to know that I haven't even painted my nails in months. They are in SUCH bad shape, omg. But at least they've grown back out from the constant biting I was doing during the worst parts of my depression.

 Thanks everyone! ♥

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  1. super massive hugs, from your number 1 fangirl xxx

  2. So glad you are back doll :) Can't wait to see you up and runing again :)

  3. Lovely to have you back! Take care xx

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling better! Take care x

  5. MISSY!!! So glad to see this update from you, we were all so worried. Depression is a serious bitch. I've been there and completely understand. Know that we all miss you, love you, and wish you the best. Take it day by day and come back to us when you're ready. We'll be here. xoxo

  6. It's so nice to see a post from you again!! Take good care of yourself and take things nice and easy! Hugs!! xx

  7. Huge hugs. I've found it's helped to make no commitment to reading other blogs and only posting when it works for me. Don't let anything put too much pressure on you cos your health is the most important thing. x

  8. Thank you ladies, it means so much to me for so many sweet words. Its been hard, and even harder making the leap back into regular life again. Taking it day by day is exactly what I'm trying to do! <3

  9. I'm glad you're back, Missy! I hope you feel better now x

  10. its nice hearing from you again! i really missed your blog, but its important to deal with everything you have going on first. feel better :)

  11. Yay! So glad you are back! Sort of seem like a stalker since I've written this on all your social media! Sorry girly! Just so glad to see you back! Just take it nice and slow and remember blogging is for you and not anyone else, you can call the shots! :) I'm here if you need to talk!

  12. Missy! It is so great to hear from you again!! I'd have been super overwhelmed with that much going on too, and while I'm sure we'd all love to see you back full-throttle again, it makes so much more sense to ease in and find a balance, especially when you've been wrestling with depression. Hope your health is *much* better, and I hope you had a great birthday too. Take care and all the very best!! ♥

  13. Welcome back! I really look forward to seeing you post again and getting to know you better in the groups we are in together... I think we have a lot in common. Keep taking care of yourself for now, that is most important! <3

  14. Yay! You're back! I've been thinking of you a lot. Glad you are ok. So sorry to hear you had a bad time. Take all the time you need. We are excited to have you back and know your posts will be awesome as always!

  15. i'm so glad to know you are back..much love :)


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