
First Frost

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Happy Wednesday everyone! Whew...I'm so glad the whole Black Friday/Cyber Monday is over. I am thoroughly against them, I'm so long past over seeing the hundreds of black friday emails and working black friday...its just madness I don't understand to save a few bucks.  I do the majority of my shopping online to avoid such nonsense. I say all this because yay, I finally have a day off from it all today.  Granted I was off on Sunday for my birthday but there's just something about being off in the middle of the week that I enjoy so much more.  Although I am held prisoner at home today waiting on maintenance to come fix my water heater. Alas. 
Today I am doing yet another prompt for the #glamnailschallenge created by @nbnailart.
This is probably the last one I'll do for a bit since the December prompts don't do much for me, what can I say...I'm not a holiday person. At least not Christmas.

So today we are doing "First Frost" and immediately I thought of winter skies and snow.

I started with a base of Essie Starry Starry Night.

I then painted a lil snowflake on with white polish and used some drip stencils from Whats Up Nails.

The stencils were then sponged over with white polish and a layer of Pure Ice polish in Don't You Wish to give it that little sparkly snow look, which you can see perfectly in this last shot.

*this post contains affiliate links

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  1. This is a really beautiful manicure! I live in Sweden and for some reason we "adopted" Black Friday from the US just a couple of years ago and now it's hysterical. I really hate getting all those mails and textmesseges. Sure you could save a little but I think that too many just spends a lot of money they don't have on things they don't need.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree...I've gone twice to literally just enjoy the show and ended up buying things I never would have to save ten dollars and the item was not even worth the sale price. It's over hyped in my opinion but more power to those who enjoy elbows to the face for the newest Xbox.

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