
Black Lightning Nail Art

Disclosure - Personal Purchases

It's November!
It's my birthday month! I don't know why I still get excited about birthdays...I mean, I'm gonna be freakin 44, what is there to be excited about, but I do. I must just love getting older.
Anyway...I guess todays mani fits that sentiment as I feel like the older I get the more time flies at lightning speed.

Annnndddd.....not only is it my birthday month but I also got a promotion at work! I don't know if it counts when you apply for it, but a lot of people did and I got it!  After I interviewed I kinda wished I hadn't because with the holidays coming I figured I would get about the same amount of hours anyway and with this promotion comes nights and weekends (which I rarely have to work now)and a lot more interaction with customers. However, despite my silently wishing I didn't get it, when I did I found out I will get benefits at the start of the year so that totally makes it worth it.

I did this design over the weekend when I was trying to shake off the cobwebs of the past 3 years...it didn't go as badly as some of the other nail arts I tried, but it isn't the greatest either.

I keep having nail breaks so I decided to go for a more round/oval shape and see if that keeps my tips healthier, so they are at that growing out/breaking stage of mismatchiness.

Anyway - I was in the middle of dealing with a broken top coat so I decided to use matte top coat.  That seemed to be so old it didn't work, so I went to another and THAT didn't work either. So I sucked it up, ran to Sally and picked up a bottle of the Essie Matte About You which I had actually never tried before.  Even THAT, fresh new bottle, seemed a little less than matte. What gives matte universe?!?!

Base is a sheer black, then taped off into a lightning bolt shape, then I applied the Kiss black gel polish, top coated and then matte coated. 

Have a beautiful day everyone!

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