The Neverending Pile Challenge - Use as many untrieds in one mani as you can!
- Friday, May 02, 2014
Good day ladies and gents!
Today should definitely be a fun day for the Neverending Pile Challenge, as its "Use As Many Untrieds As You Can In One Mani" day.
The girls are gonna have some crazy stuff, some of them are talking about 20, 25+ polishes in one mani! Can you even?
I can't! I used 8 and that seemed like so many as it was!
Today should definitely be a fun day for the Neverending Pile Challenge, as its "Use As Many Untrieds As You Can In One Mani" day.
The girls are gonna have some crazy stuff, some of them are talking about 20, 25+ polishes in one mani! Can you even?
I can't! I used 8 and that seemed like so many as it was!
So I FINALLY used ALL of my untried ILNP chromes.
Pinky - Neutron Starlette & Undenied
Ring - Sirene & Washing Ashore
Middle - Reminisce & Cygnus Loop
Pointer - Birefringence & Green Goblin
I really enjoy the negative space nail trend, can you tell?
I love tape and the negative space mani takes out the wait time of a base drying. Plus - your bare nail goes with everything!
I also matted it for the hell of it, it loses its shift but it gains something kinda cool as well.
So for this week my total used untrieds is - 11
And for the entire challenge so far - 33
The Neverending Pile Challenge - Use as many untrieds in one mani as you can
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.