
Pretty Jelly & Sticky Nails Maleficent Duo Review

Ok - I don't know about YOU, but I am SUPER excited for the new Malificent movie. I am a huge AJ fan as well as Maleficent.  I always gravitate toward the bad guys in stories, and she was always the ultimate bad guy to me growing up...there was so much mystery surrounding that character, I'm very excited to see her story unfold.
The reason I bring this up is because today I have this great collab set from Sticky Nails and Pretty Jelly themed around Maleficent.
Le'ts go!

Here is the Duo with their respective nail stencils. This is a stock photo, no matter how many shots I took I could not get a good photo of the stencils so I'm using the ones provided by Pretty Jelly/Sticky Nails.

I Know You - 1 Coat over Cult Nails Fetish
I KNOW YOU is a limited-edition polish and stencil set from collaborators Pretty Jelly & Sticky Nails. Inspired by the ghostly pallor of Sleeping Beauty’s Maleficent, the polish is a blackened green with linear holographic shimmer. The stencils can put iconic art on your nails, or make your nails look like those of an evil fairy.

Stencils include –
Firebreather: 2 sets of a multi-nail dragon design. 4 nails make up the body of the dragon, with the final finger (or thumb) for the puff of ignited breath. 10 stencils total.
Diablo: A menacing raven in two different sizes. 3 small, 2 large, 5 total
Headdress: An iconic horn headdress with a widow’s peak. 3 small, 2 large, 5 total
Wicked V: deep V stencils that make your nails look pointy and claw-like. Use the inside pieces for extra V action. 24 pieces total
Conjuring: Short strips of magical flame abstract nail art, 20 pieces total.

Once Upon a Dream - 2 Coats over Bare Nail
ONCE UPON A DREAM is a limited-edition polish and stencil set from collaborators Pretty Jelly & Sticky Nails. Inspired by the upcoming Maleficient movie, this sets pays homage to Aurora's little number from the original Disney classic.

The set includes a light blue linear holographic polish with pink sparkles, reminiscent of Aurora's dress. As well as a whimsical sheet of stencils.

The stencils include the following designs:

Fairy Dust: Little diamond shaped sparkles (2 small, 2 large)
Make It Blue: 2 large dress cut-outs
Animal Friends: 4 squirrels and 4 birds in various sizes
Golden Crown: 2 sets of Princess Aurora's crown in 5 different sizes (ranging from small to large). This is perfect for a royal half-moon mani.
Briar Rose: 6 briar rose cut-outs with heart shaped petals
Scalloped Edge: 4 sets of 10 scalloped pieces ranging from small to large

Pretty Jelly is going to be selling the Aurora set called “Once Upon a Dream”
Facebook: /PrettyJellyNailPolish
Twitter + Instagram: @prettyjellynail

Sticky Nails will be selling the Maleficent “I Know You” set
Facebook: /StickyNailsArt
Instagram: @stickynails

Each set will be $18, and it’s limited to roughly 40 sets of each.

Go now - they just went on sale today!

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